04 December 2020

December 4: Feelin' Groovy

December Friday
No promises to keep
No deadlines, no finish lines, 
 just a walk in the grey dusk
Dedicated to feelin' groovy


03 December 2020

December 3: Dedicated to birds on the wing


Birds on the wing! 

Santa greetings!

A Duo Distant December 

Dedicated to birds with places to go.


02 December 2020

December 2: Dedicated to JOY


Some last-ditch bursts of autumn

It was WINDY at sundown 
(which comes so EARLY these days)

Quick walk, duo, distant, 
but we met some doggies

Then we high-tailed it home
Dedicated to JOY

01 December 2020

December 1: Lights in the DARKNESS!

December First! 
Solo Distant December Lightwalk! 
It's getting merrier by the minute out there!
Dedicated to lights in the darkness!