02 June 2020

June 2: Dedicated to Failure

My full-disclosure SocialSolo PhysicalDistant 
Why did the chicken cross the road 
ruination of a theme tonight is dedicated 
to Failure 
and Don't Give Up the Ship
I was searching for CHICKENS
I was carrying my chicken 
I was wearing my chicken...
and yet I discovered 
NOT A SINGLE chicken of any sort tonight.
Zero. Zilch. 
But in the spirit of Columbus seeking the Northwest Passage 
(he FAILED, but he found the New World), 
of Ponce de León seeking the Fountain of Youth 
(I believe this is a myth, actually. 
Like George Washington and the cherry tree) 
but finding Florida...
I kept looking 
 for an hour and 37 minutes 
which brought me home 
Oh, well. As they say, "Don't count your chickens..."

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